St John's C of E VA First School Mission Statement


'Together, we give our children

the roots to grow and wings to fly.'


As John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, here at St John's, we strive to prepare children for life – 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).


As a fully inclusive Church school, we are rooted in hope. We aspire to nurture and help our children to be the best versions of themselves.


Our school staff, parents and governors work together to help our children flourish as respectful, confident and aspirational citizens who seek to positively contribute to the school community, local community and the world beyond. 


We want children attending St John's CE VA First School to:
  • experience learning in a nurturing and supportive environment
  • develop values and skills that help them on their learning journey and beyond,
  • enjoy their learning and be inspired to do their best in everything,
  • work together with others and develop the skills of team work, resilience and tolerance,
  • experience a wide range of learning opportunities with a curriculum that is aspirational, stimulates curiosity and enjoyable,
  • gain an understanding of their individuality and express themselves with confidence
  • develop friendships that are secure and provide positive memories of school life
  • experience roles of responsibility in class and across the school


Our Shared Values of Kindness, Empathy and Resilience are taught and promoted across the school in classes, Collective Worship and through our school ethos.


Our Curriculum Drivers of Aspiration, Curiosity, Enjoyment, promote the learning values that underpin our curriculum and what is taught in school.


Like birds who nest in trees, the St John's community aim to nurture their young, who then go on to fly out into the world and flourish.