In the context of the ongoing pandemic situation, we will publish details of our current risk assessments and arrangements here.
8th September 2021
Somerset County Council have updated their testing guidance. They have created a poster that outlines what you should do.
7th September 2021
21st May 2021
Here is a handy guide from Somerset to help you understand how and when you should use different types of COVID testing for primary aged children;
17th May 2021
8th March 2021
4th January 2021 - 9pm
Following the Government announcement, school will move to remote provision with immediate effect. Please read our letter for more information.
4th January 2021
We have reviewed our operating risk assessment in light of Frome being placed under tier 4 restrictions
6th November 2020
We have reviewed our operating risk assessment in light of the national restrictions put in place from 5th November 2020
4th September 2020